Thank You for a Successful One-Day Close-Out Meeting

Thank You for a Successful One-Day Close-Out Meeting

Thank You for a Successful One-Day Close-Out Meeting

On behalf of the Priests Peace & Justice Initiative (PPJ), the social arm of the Palace of Priests Assembly, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the One-Day Close-out Meeting for the Shun Corruption Project held on Wednesday, 28th August 2024, at the PPA Auditorium, Ebenezer Place, Area 1, Abuja.

Your presence and active participation were instrumental in making this event a resounding success. We especially thank our distinguished speakers and all participants for their invaluable insights, dedication, and commitment to the cause of promoting integrity and transparency within our community.

We also appreciate the efforts of our organizers, volunteers, and everyone behind the scenes who worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth and impactful program.

As we conclude this phase of the Shun Corruption Project, we are encouraged by the collective resolve demonstrated during this meeting to continue advocating for justice and accountability in all spheres of our society.

Thank you once again for your support and dedication. Together, we are building a stronger, more just community.

#ShunCorruption #JusticeAndIntegrity #PPJInitiative #CommunityBuilding #AntiCorruption #PalaceOfPriestsAssembly #Accountability #Transparency

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