
Establishment of Christian Platforms

We have established three Christian platforms – Christian Women Against Corruption, Ministers Against Corruption, and Youth Vanguard Against Corruption.

National Presence

Currently, we have a presence in 26 states across Nigeria, actively engaging communities in the fight against corruption.

Conducted Research

We have undertaken comprehensive research on the drivers of corruption within and outside the church, along with an exploration of Christianity’s role in the fight against corruption.

Capacity Building Training

Several capacity-building training sessions have been conducted, focusing on Christianity and its active role in combating corruption.

Election Observers

In 2019 and 2023, we successfully mobilized 413 and 613 Pentecostals, respectively, to serve as election observers, promoting transparency and accountability in the electoral process.

Media Engagement

Our weekly radio program, “Voice of the Priest Against Corruption,” serves as a platform to amplify our message and engage a broader audience.

Anti-corruption Ambassadors established

Two National Summits of General Overseers (GOs) held in Lagos signaled broad-based strategic engagement with core decision-makers within the Pentecostal movement aimed at strengthening their knowledge and skills in anti-corruption engagement and, GOs continue to deploy their influence to expand the reach of the SHUN Corruption project across the country.

Pentecostal Churches are More Accountable

The establishment of standard financial and procurement systems as a group norm (mark of dignity). More pastors expressed the desire to ‘belong’ to the Hall of Fame: Accountable Ministers profiled in the project’s monthly Newsletter; publicly honored with awards.

Global Recognition

PPJ Gains Global Recognition after participating in the IACC 2022 in Washington DC


PPA is currently collaborating with 103 organizations across the 26 states where we have a presence, of which 93 are FBOs. Particularly, our collaboration with the Student Christian Movement (SCM) of Nigeria has seen the establishment of Shun Corruption clubs in about 900 schools where the SCM has a presence.

Institutionalization of the Sunday preceding July 11th as African Anti-Corruption Day as Anti-Corruption Sunday

PPA Mainstreaming gender, youth, and disability issues in our policies, programs, and training

Social Arm

91 Churches (36 on Standby) set up Social Arms

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